Our Family
Raddog Ranch is owned/operated by the Brooks Family. Noah and Danielle, along with their 4 boys (#brooksbrothersracing), have accumulated a large herd of Tibetan Yaks with intent to offer their local community a better red meat alternative. They also think its important to introduce a more sustainable animal to the ranching community.
Previously, Danielle and Noah owned and operated American Cultures, a Colorado Local Kombucha Taproom in the LoHi area of Denver. While juggling a booming Kombucha Room, raising 4 little boys, and fixing and flipping homes throughout Colorado, they decided to invest in some yaks to lower their property taxes.
They instantly fell in love with the animals. The manure didn't stink and the yaks would let you touch them, two of the many advantages yaks have over other bovines.
Yak Life
Eventually these animals became a part of the Brooks family and helped teach Danielle, Noah and the boys how to work together and learn individual responsibilities. One boy goes to the farmers market, another fills the water tank, another opens and closes the gates, and the biggest brother can run most of the equipment and feed most of them by hand.
The journey has not only transformed the families diet, but also their family dynamics. "Our kids have been with us along the way at every step of the process. They have gone to the butcher and know what happens and how their meat gets processed. We have all cried together about that, but we also realize what an honor it was to raise them and what an honor it is to offer such a great meat to our community."